Bart Bogaerts

Dr. Bart Bogaerts

Research Professor

ERC Consolidator Grant CertiFOX

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  • a: Celestijnenlaan 200a - room 01.14
        3001 Heverlee

Join my lab!

I'm always looking for talented researchers. This page contains an overview of the current offerings, and other possibilities.


I'm always looking for good PostDocs to work on my ERC CoG CertiFOX. While there is no vacancy open right now, I am looking for good people. So, if you want to join the proof logging revolution, and ensure that the answers of combinatorial search and optimization engines are correct with 100% formal guarantees, get in touch with me!

Talented PostDocs in knowledge representatation, combinatorial search, or declarative problem solving are also warmly invited to apply for a personal grant with me as a host. For instance:

These grants are excellent for beefing up your CV, and getting the opportunity to pursue your dreams for a couple of years with complete academic freedom. Of course, such grant applications can sometimes feel like a lottery. For this reason, there are several backup options: candidates who submit a good application but do not get funding can be eligible for a backup mandate of the FWO or an internal one from the KUL/VUB (typically for one year, to allow you to reapply and collect preliminary evidence for your project).

If you are interested in applying for such a grant with me as host, send me an e-mail so that we can discuss the details.

PhD Students

I'm always for enthousiastic PhD students to work on my ERC CoG CertiFOX. There is no official vacancy open right now, but if you want to join the proof logging revolution, and ensure that the answers of combinatorial search and optimization engins are correct with 100% formal guarantees, get in touch!

Talented students who obtained excellent grades in their Master's (top 5%) are also cordially invited to apply for an FWO fellowship for fundamental or strategic research (where my expertise is mostly on the fundamental side). The application deadline is always the first of March. As with the postdoctoral fellowships, excellent proposals that do not get funding can be eligible for a one year "backup mandate".


If you are interested in visiting my research group to learn more about our latest work or to start or consolidate a collaboration, don't hesitate to drop me a line.


All positions I offer are fully funded, either by means of a scholarship or a salary. Academic scholarships and salaries in Belgium are very competitive (probably among the best in Europe; a starting PhD student for instance receives approximately €2.500 net per month). Moreover, all postitions come with various benefits including reimbursement of public transport costs and hospitalisation insurance. Finally, my group has a significant travel budget available for attending conferences or for visiting other research groups.