Simulating Dynamic Systems Using Linear Time Calculus Theories
B. Bogaerts, J. Jansen, M. Bruynooghe, B. De Cat, J. Vennekens, M. Denecker
KU Leuven
- Motivation & context
- Linear time
- Progression & the Markov property
- Inference with LTC theories
- Demo
- Related Work
KBS Paradigm
Multiple forms of inference on the same KB
Reuse of knowledge
Separating knowledge from computation
KBS Paradigm
- Theorem provers: deduction
- Sat solvers, ASP solvers, CP solvers: model expansion
- Database systems: querying
- Prolog systems: definition evaluation
- ...
KBS paradigm: represent knowledge once, apply multiple forms of inference
KBS Paradigm: Dynamic systems
- Planning
- Model checking
- Execution/simulation
- ...
- Is the KBS paradigm applicable here?
- Can we define several useful inference methods on the same specification?
- Can we extend IDP (a KBS for the logic FO(ID)) with specific inference methods for a dynamic context
Typed first-order logic
(Inductive) Definitions
\forall a, p: Pos(a,0) = p\leftarrow StartPos(a)=p.\\
\forall a, t, p: Pos(a,t+1)=p \\\quad\leftarrow Pos(a,t)=p\land \lnot \exists d: Move(a,d,t).\\
\forall a, t, p: Pos(a,t+1)=p\\\quad\leftarrow \exists d: Move(a,d,t)\land Next(Pos(a,t),d,p).\\
\forall s: Pell(s,0).\\
\forall s, t: Pell(s,t+1)\leftarrow Pell(s,t) \land Pos(pacman,t)\neq s.\\
\forall a, t, d, d': Move(a,d,t) \land Move(a,d',t)\Rightarrow d=d'.\\
Linear Time Vocabulary
- typed FO vocabulary
- with (linear) Time: type interpreted by $\mathbb{N}$
- predicates and functions: at most one argument typed Time; for functions: not their output-type
- Types: $\definecolor{myorange}{RGB}{255,153,0} \textcolor{myorange}{Time}, Agent, Square, Dir$
- Static symbols:
- $Pacman:Agent$
- $Next(Square, Dir, Square)$
- $StartPos(Agent):Square$
- Dynamic symbols:
- $Move(Agent, Dir, \textcolor{myorange}{Time})$
- $Pell(Square, \textcolor{myorange}{Time})$
- $GameOver(\textcolor{myorange}{Time})$
- $Pos(Agent,\textcolor{myorange}{Time}):Square$
Derived Single-State Vocabulary
- Types: $\definecolor{myorange}{RGB}{255,153,0} Agent, Square, Dir$
- Static symbols:
- $Pacman:Agent$
- $Next(Square, Dir, Square)$
- $StartPos(Agent):Square$
- Projected dynamic symbols:
- $Move_\textcolor{myorange}{curr}(Agent, Dir)$
- $Pell_\textcolor{myorange}{curr}(Square)$
- $GameOver_\textcolor{myorange}{curr}()$
- $Pos_\textcolor{myorange}{curr}(Agent):Square$
Linear Time Structure
$\Sigma$-structure $J$: infinite run of a dynamic system
$\Sigma_{ss}$-structure: snapshot (single state)
$\Sigma$-structures $\cong$ sequences $(J_k)_{k=0}^\infty$ of $\Sigma_{ss}$-structures
(Weak) Markov Property
(Weak) Progression
- Input
- Theory $T$ over $\Sigma$ (Markov)
- Structure $S$ over $\Sigma_{ss}$
- Output
LTC Theories
- Syntactical criterion
- Satisfy the Markov property...
- ... and the weak Markov property
\forall a, p: Pos(a,0) = p\leftarrow StartPos(a)=p.\\
\forall a, t, p: Pos(a,t+1)=p \\\quad\leftarrow Pos(a,t)=p\land \lnot \exists d: Move(a,d,t).\\
\forall a, t, p: Pos(a,t+1)=p\\\quad\leftarrow \exists d: Move(a,d,t)\land Next(Pos(a,t),d,p).\\
\forall s: Pell(s,0).\\
\forall s, t: Pell(s,t+1)\leftarrow Pell(s,t) \land Pos(pacman,t)\neq s.\\
\forall a, t, d, d': Move(a,d,t) \land Move(a,d',t)\Rightarrow d=d'.\\
LTC Theories
Derived theories $T_0$ and $T_t$
KBS Paradigm
Multiple forms of inference on the same KB
Reuse of knowledge
Separating knowledge from computation
Interactive Simulation (Execution)
Interactive Simulation (Execution)
Interactive Simulation (Execution)
Interactive Simulation (Execution)
Interactive Simulation (Execution)
Interactive Simulation (Execution)
Interactive Simulation (Execution)
Interactive Simulation (Execution)
Interactive Simulation (Execution)
Proving Invariants
Induction, reusing $T_0$ and $T_t$
Model Checking
Model Checking
Implemented in $\mathrm{IDP}^3$
All above inference methods except model checking
Related Work
\newcommand{\YES}{\color{myorange}{\bf\small \times}}
\tiny \begin{array}{l|cccccccc}
& IDP & Planners & Clingo &oClingo & NuSMV & LPS & ProB \\
\text{Progression} & \YES & - & - &\YES & \YES & \YES & \YES \\
\text{Execution} & \YES & - & - &\YES & \YES & \YES & \YES \\
\text{Planning } & \YES & \YES & \YES & - & \YES & \YES & \YES \\
\text{Optimal Plan. } & \YES & \YES & \YES & - & - & - & \YES \\
\text{Prove Invar.} & \YES & - & - & - & - & - & - \\
\text{Model Checking} & - & - & - & - & \YES & - & \YES
KBS paradigm works
- Tested in the context of dynamic specifications
- Identified many inference tasks
- $IDP^3$ easily extensible with new inference methods