Lazy Model Expansion:
Interleaving Grounding With Search
Broes de Cat, Marc Denecker, Peter J. Stuckey,
Maurice Bruynooghe, Bart Bogaerts
Werk van eerste 4. Ik: presentatie
Typed first-order logic
Inductive Definitions
Eerste deel: vooral FO
Nadien: ID
Running Example: Sokoban
\forall o, p: At(o,p,0)\leftarrow At_{in}(o,p)\\
\forall o, p, t: At(o, p ,t+1) \leftarrow Goto(o,p,t)\\
\forall o, p, t: At(o, p ,t+1) \leftarrow At(o,p,t) \land \lnot \exists p': Goto(o,p',t)\\
\forall p, t: Goto(Sok,p,t) \leftarrow Move(p,t)\\
\forall b[Block], p, t: Goto(b,p,t) \leftarrow Push(b,p,t)\\
\forall b,p,p',t: Push(b,Next(p,p'),t) \\ \quad \leftarrow At(Sok,p,t) \wedge At(b,p',t)\wedge Move(p',t)\\
\forall p, t: Goto(p,t)\Rightarrow Empty(p,t) \vee \exists b[Block]: At(b,p,t)\\
\forall b, p, t: Push(b,p,t) \Rightarrow Empty(p,t)\\
\forall p, t: Empty(p,t) \Leftrightarrow \lnot \exists o: At(o,p,t)\\
\forall o, t: AtGoal(o,t) \Leftrightarrow At(o,Goal(o),t)\\
\forall t: GoalReached(t) \Leftrightarrow: \forall o: AtGoal(o,t)
HIER leggen we sokoban uit.
robotje kan bewegen en blokken voortduwen.
Model Expansion
theory T
partial interpretation S
(output)vocabulary V
V-structure(s) M such that there is a M'
M' is a model of T
M' is more precise than S
Planning Problems
Output: actions
Scheduling Problems
Output: schedule
Model Expansion: How?
First: ground to ECNF (extended CNF)
Then: solve the ground problem
Large domains
Many nested quantifiers
Infinite domains: impossible
Zeker zeggen: quantifiers vormen het eigenlijke probleem
Don't make the entire grounding
Only ground what is necessary
Lazy Grounding
Ground parts of the theory
based on the state of the solver
Lazy Grounding: How
Some examples
Universal Quantifications
$\forall b, p, t: Push(b,p,t) \Rightarrow Empty(p,t)$
$Push(b_1,p_1,0) \Rightarrow Empty(p_1,0)$
$Push(b_1,p_1,1) \Rightarrow Empty(p_1,1)$
$Push(b_1,p_1,2) \Rightarrow Empty(p_1,2)$
$\forall b, p, t: Push(b,p,t) \Rightarrow Empty(p,t)$
Actions are sparse
Solver state of $Push(b,p,t)$:
unknown: do nothing
false: do nothing
true: instantiate quantification and ground
Existential Quantifications
$\exists t: \mathit{GoalReached}(t)$
$\mathit{GoalReached}(0) \vee \mathit{GoalReached}(1) \vee \dots$
$\exists t[Time]: \mathit{GoalReached}(t)$
Rewrite to:
$ \mathit{GoalReached} (0) \vee T $
$T \Rightarrow \exists t[\mathit{Time}\setminus\{0\}]: \mathit{GoalReached} (t)$
Solver state of $T$:
unknown: do nothing
false: do nothing
true : rewrite to
\[\begin{align*}T &\Rightarrow \mathit{GoalReached} (1) \vee T' \\ &\dots \end{align*}\]
More General
$\forall x: P(x)\Rightarrow \phi(x)$
on $P$:
only instantiate $x$ with values for which $P$ holds
$\exists x: \phi(x)$
only instantiate new values if all previous fail
niet per se all fail, maar evt: als solver phi(x) false kiest voor alle anderen.
Lost Propagation
$\forall x: P(x) \Rightarrow \phi(x)$, delayed on $P$
$\phi(1) =\mathbf{f}$
Solution: use two watches
$\forall x: P(x) \land Q(x)\Rightarrow \phi(x)$
Delay on $P$ and $Q$
= generalisation of two watched literal scheme
Sound if every atom will eventually get a value
Werkt nog steeds niet voor oneindige dingen.
Of voor dingen met HEEL grote domeinen is dat misschien zelfs ook niet mogelijk.
= a deterministic recipe to extend
an interpretation such that
it satisfies certain constraints
$\forall x: P(x) \Rightarrow \phi(x)$
Default construction: make all $P(d)$'s false
$\forall x: P(x) \Leftrightarrow \phi(x)$
Definitional construction: assign $P(d)$ the value of $\phi(d)$
Constructions can be incompatible
Make all P(d) 's true
Assign P(d) the value of Q(d)
Constructions can be incompatible with solver state
Make all P(d) 's true
P(1) = false
Lazy Grounding
Split theory in
Ground theory Tg
High-level (delayed) theory Td
For every sentence in Td :
find construction compatible with
all other constructions
the state of the solver
If impossible: ground partially
for relevant instantiations
Solver searches model of T
Lazy Grounding
Afterwards, combine model of Tg
constructions for Td to obtain a model of T
at least to create a structure over the
Lazy Grounding (in general)
Very general framework
Based on definitions and justifications
Justifications gaan we het hier niet over hebben
All (inductive) definitions that occur in practice are total :
For every assignment to their parameters,
there is exactly one assignment to the defined
symbols such that the definition is satisfied
Hence, definitions are constructions
Link met ASP:
Defs zijn +/- ASp programs zonder recursion over negation
Grounding of definitions can be delayed on
all defined symbols:
For a rule $\forall \bar{x}: P(\bar{x})\leftarrow \varphi$:
Delay on $P(\bar{x})$:
Unknown: do nothing
Otherwise: ground rule
for relevant instantiation
= Dynamic Top-Down Grounding
Implemented in $\textrm{IDP}^3$
Zeg iets over Bootstrapping: choices
benchmark & \textrm{IDP} & \textrm{lazy} & \textrm{ASP} & \textrm{IDP} & \textrm{lazy} & \textrm{ASP}\\
\text{Sokoban} &9 &5 &\fancyprint{10} & 370 &1538 &\fancyprint{22} \\
\text{Disj. Scheduling} &4 &\fancyprint{10} &2 &1933 &\fancyprint{92} &2400 \\
\text{Packing} &9 &\fancyprint{10} &1 &352 &\fancyprint{51} &2704 \\
\text{Labyrinth} &\fancyprint{6} &5 &\fancyprint{6} &1286 &1851 &\fancyprint{1015} \\
\text{Reachability} &1 &\fancyprint{10} &4 &2706 &\fancyprint{7} &1807 \\
\text{St. Marriage} &0 &\fancyprint{10} &5 &3000 &\fancyprint{350} &1563 \\
\text{Graph Colouring} &\fancyprint{7} &3 &4 &\fancyprint{1013} &2103 &1842
Lazy Clause Generation
Fits in lazy grounding framework
Richer language
Lazy grounding also captures mzn2fzn
Lazy Clause Generation
Fits in lazy grounding framework
Richer language
Lazy grounding also captures mzn2fzn
Lazy Clause Generation
Fits in lazy grounding framework
Richer language
Lazy grounding also captures mzn2fzn
LCG, IP and LG
dedicated sum propagator
lazily add learned clause, e.g., $A\geq 4 \wedge B\geq 5\Rightarrow C\geq 9$
triggers on changes of $A$, $B$ and $C$
Represent propagations in high level language
E.g., whenever (for some $d,d'$) $A\geq d$ and $B\geq d'$, propagate $C\geq d+d'$
Automatically obtain propagator
LG on IP representation ($\forall d, d': A\geq d \wedge B\geq d' \Rightarrow C\geq d+d'$)
= LCG behaviour!
Incremental Grounding
special case of lazy grounding
Known from
- Model Generation
- Theorem Proving
- Planning
- ...
Broes de Cat, Marc Denecker, Peter J. Stuckey, Maurice Bruynooghe: Lazy Model Expansion: Interleaving Grounding with Search . J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 52: 235-286 (2015)