Bart Bogaerts

Dr. Bart Bogaerts

Research Professor

ERC Consolidator Grant CertiFOX

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In press

The Possible Asylum B. Bogaerts The American Mathematical Monthly, (Accepted). pdf bib


Exploiting Symmetries in MUS Computation I. Bleukx, H. Verhaeghe, B. Bogaerts and T. Guns Proceedings of AAAI, 2025, (Accepted).


Preservation theorems for Tarski's relation algebra B. Bogaerts, B. ten Cate, B. McLean and J. Van den Bussche Logical Methods in Computer Science Volume 20 (3), p. 20:1-20:17, 2024. pdf bib www

A Category-Theoretic Perspective on Higher-Order Approximation Fixpoint Theory S. Pollaci, B. Kostopoulos, M. Denecker and B. Bogaerts Proceedings of Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning, p. 317-330, 2024. pdf bib www

Reasoning with First-Order Logic B. Bogaerts Demystifying Artificial Intelligence - Symbolic, Data-Driven, Statistical and Ethical AI, p. 107-147, 2024. pdf bib www

The Stable Model Semantics for Higher-Order Logic Programming B. Bogaerts, A. Charalambidis, G. Chatziagapis, B. Kostopoulos, S. Pollaci and P. Rondogiannis To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 2024, (Accepted).

Certifying Without Loss of Generality Reasoning in Solution-Improving Maximum Satisfiability J. Berg, B. Bogaerts, J. Nordström, A. Oertel, T. Paxian and D. Vandesande Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP), p. 4:1-4:28, 2024. pdf bib www

Postulates for provenance: Instance-based provenance for first-order logic B. Bogaerts, M. Jakubowski and J. Van den Bussche Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data (PODS'24), Volume 2 (2), p. 95(1)-95(16), 2024. pdf bib www

Executable First-Order Queries in the Logic of Information Flows H. Aamer, B. Bogaerts, D. Surinx, E. Ternovska and J. Van den Bussche Logical Methods in Computer Science Volume 20(2), p. 6:1-6:41, 2024. pdf bib www

Embedding Justification Theory in Approximation Fixpoint Theory S. Marynissen, B. Bogaerts and M. Denecker Artificial Intelligence Volume 331, p. 104112, 2024. pdf bib www

Expressiveness of SHACL Features and Extensions for Full Equality and Disjointness Tests B. Bogaerts, M. Jakubowski and J. Van den Bussche Logical Methods in Computer Science Volume 20(1), p. 16:1-16:34, 2024. pdf bib www

Approximation Fixpoint Theory in Coq -- with an Application to Logic Programming B. Bogaerts and L. Cruz-Filipe Logics and Type Systems in Theory and Practice, p. 84-99, 2024. pdf bib www

Distributed Subweb Specifications for Traversing the Web B. Bogaerts, B. Ketsman, Y. Zeboudj, H. Aamer, R. Taelman and R. Verborgh Theory and Practice of Logic Programming Volume 24 (2), p. 394-420, 2024. pdf bib www

Non-Deterministic Approximation Fixpoint Theory and Its Application in Disjunctive Logic Programming J. Heyninck, O. Arieli and B. Bogaerts Artificial Intelligence Volume 331, p. 104110, 2024. pdf bib www

Using Symmetries to Lift Satisfiability Checking P. Carbonelle, G. Schenner, M. Bruynooghe, B. Bogaerts and M. Denecker Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), p. 7961-7968, 2024. pdf bib www

Towards a Unifying View on Monotone Constructive Definitions L. Vanbesien, S. Pollaci, B. Bogaerts and M. Denecker International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics (ISAIM), Revised Selected Papers; LNCS Volume 14494, 2024. pdf bib www


Simplifying Step-wise Explanation Sequences I. Bleukx, J. Devriendt, E. Gamba, B. Bogaerts and T. Guns 29th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP), p. 11:1-11:20, 2023. pdf bib www

Mathematical Foundations for Joining Only Knowing and Common Knowledge M. Cramer, S. Pollaci and B. Bogaerts 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR), p. 167-177, 2023. pdf bib ppt www

Efficiently Explaining CSPs with Unsatisfiable Subset Optimization E. Gamba, B. Bogaerts and T. Guns Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research Volume 78, p. 709-746, 2023. pdf bib www

Inputs, Outputs, and Composition in the Logic of Information Flows H. Aamer, B. Bogaerts, D. Surinx, E. Ternovska and J. Van den Bussche ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, Volume 24 number 4, 2023, p. 1-44. pdf bib www

Certified Core-Guided MaxSAT Solving J. Berg, B. Bogaerts, J. Nordström, A. Oertel and D. Vandesande Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE), p. 1-22, 2023. pdf bib ppt www

Certified Dominance and Symmetry Breaking for Combinatorial Optimisation B. Bogaerts, S. Gocht, C. McCreesh and J. Nordström Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (Conference Award Track) Volume 77, p. 1539-1589, 2023. pdf bib www

Symmetry and Dominance Breaking for Pseudo-Boolean Optimization D. Van Caudenberg and B. Bogaerts Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, p. 149-166, 2023. pdf bib www

Non-deterministic approximation operators: ultimate operators, semi-equilibrium semantics and aggregates J. Heyninck and B. Bogaerts Theory and Practice of Logic Programming Volume 23 (4), p. 632-647, 2023. pdf bib www

Interactive Model Expansion in an Observable Environment P. Carbonelle, B. Bogaerts, J. Vennekens and M. Denecker Theory and Practice of Logic Programming Volume 23 (4), p. 648-663, 2023. pdf bib www

Patient-reported outcome measures on mental health and psychosocial factors in patients with Brugada syndrome S. Six, P. Theuns, P. Libin, A. Nowé, L. Pannone, B. Bogaerts, S. Jaxy, C. Olsen, G. Pappaert, I. Grau, J. Sieira, S. Van Dooren, E. Scheirlynck, J. Nekkebroeck, M. Mallefroy, C. de Asmundis and J. Bilsen Europace Volume 5 (9), p. 1-10, 2023. www


Static Symmetry and Dominance Breaking for Pseudo-Boolean Optimization D. Van Caudenberg and B. Bogaerts Proceedings of Benelux Conference on AI (BNAIC), 2022. pdf ppt

Efficiently Explaining CSPs with Unsatisfiable Subset Optimization (extended abstract) E. Gamba, B. Bogaerts and T. Guns The 21st workshop on Constraint Modelling and Reformulation (ModRef), 2022. pdf www

Computing Abductive Explanations L. Caroprese, E. Zumpano and B. Bogaerts IEEE Intelligent Systems Volume 37 (6) (Special Issue on Reasoning with Inconsistent, Incomplete, and Uncertain Knowledge), p. 18-26, 2022. pdf bib www

Stepwise Explanations of Unsatisfiable Constraint Programs (Extended abstract) I. Bleukx, E. Gamba, B. Bogaerts and T. Guns The Third Workshop on Explainable Logic-Based Knowledge Representation (XLoKR), 2022. pdf

SHACL: A Description Logic in Disguise B. Bogaerts, M. Jakubowski and J. Van den Bussche Proceedings of Logic Programming and Non-Monotonic Reasoning (LPNMR), p. 75-88, 2022. pdf bib www

QMaxSATpb: A Certified MaxSAT Solver D. Vandesande, W. De Wulf and B. Bogaerts Proceedings of Logic Programming and Non-Monotonic Reasoning (LPNMR), p. 429-442, 2022. pdf bib ppt www

On Nested Justification Systems S. Marynissen, B. Bogaerts, M. Denecker and J. Heyninck Theory and Practice of Logic Programming Volume 22 (5), p. 641-657, 2022. pdf bib ppt www

Tree-Like Justification Systems are Consistent S. Marynissen and B. Bogaerts Proceedings 38th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP), p. 1-11, 2022. pdf bib ppt www

Certified Symmetry and Dominance Breaking for Combinatorial Optimisation B. Bogaerts, S. Gocht, C. McCreesh and J. Nordström Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 36(4), p. 3698-3707, 2022. pdf bib ppt ppt www
★AAAI-22 Distinguished paper award★

Expressiveness of SHACL features B. Bogaerts, M. Jakubowski and J. Van den Bussche 25th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT 2022), p. 15:1-15:16, 2022. pdf bib www ytb


Formalising Approximation Fixpoint Theory (Extended Abstract) B. Bogaerts and L. Cruz-Filipe Days in Logic 2022, 2021. pdf

SHACL: A Description Logic in Disguise B. Bogaerts, M. Jakubowski and J. Van den Bussche BNAIC/BeneLearn 2021, p. 271-284, 2021. pdf bib www

A Formalisation of Approximation Fixpoint Theory B. Bogaerts and L. Cruz-Filipe TYPES 2021 - Book of Abstracts, p. 41-44, 2021. pdf bib

Fixpoint Semantics for Recursive SHACL B. Bogaerts and M. Jakubowski Proceedings of The 37th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP), p. 41-47, 2021. pdf bib www

Link Traversal with Distributed Subweb Specifications B. Bogaerts, B. Ketsman, Y. Zeboudj, H. Aamer, R. Taelman and R. Verborgh Proceedings of RuleML+RR, p. 62-79, 2021. pdf bib www

A framework for step-wise explaining how to solve constraint satisfaction problems B. Bogaerts, E. Gamba and T. Guns Artificial Intelligence Volume 300, p. 103550, 2021, (Special issue on Explainable Artificial Intelligence). pdf bib ppt www ytb

Stratification in Approximation Fixpoint Theory and Its Application to Active Integrity Constraints B. Bogaerts and L. Cruz-Filipe ACM Transactions on Computational Logic Volume 20 (1), 2021, p. 1-19. pdf bib www

On the Relation Between Approximation Fixpoint Theory and Justification Theory S. Marynissen, B. Bogaerts and M. Denecker 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), p. 1973-1980, 2021. pdf bib www ytb
★IJCAI-21 Distinguished paper award★

Efficiently Explaining CSPs with Unsatisfiable Subset Optimization E. Gamba, B. Bogaerts and T. Guns 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), p. 1381-1388, 2021. pdf bib www ytb


Towards Lightweight Completion Formulas for Lazy Grounding in Answer Set Programming B. Bogaerts, S. Marynissen and A. Weinzierl Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR), p. 58-66, 2020. pdf ppt ytb www

Exploiting Game Theory for Analysing Justifications S. Marynissen, B. Bogaerts and M. Denecker Theory and Practice of Logic Programming Volume 20 (6), p. 880-894, 2020. pdf bib www

lp2pb: Translating Answer Set Programs into Pseudo-Boolean Theories W. De Wulf and B. Bogaerts Proceedings of The 36th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP), p. 206-219, 2020. pdf bib www

Interactive Configuration Problems in Observable Environments P. Carbonelle, B. Bogaerts, J. Vennekens and M. Denecker 17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR), 2020, (Poster presentation at KR).

Inputs, Outputs, and Composition in the Logic of Information Flows H. Aamer, B. Bogaerts, D. Surinx, E. Ternovska and J. Van den Bussche 17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR), p. 2-11, 2020. pdf bib ppt www ytb

Step-wise explanations of constraint satisfaction problems B. Bogaerts, E. Gamba, J. Claes and T. Guns 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), p. 640-647, 2020. pdf bib ppt www dem ytb

Executable first-order queries in the logic of information flows H. Aamer, B. Bogaerts, D. Surinx, E. Ternovska and J. Van den Bussche 23th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT), p. 4:1-4:14, 2020. pdf bib ppt www ytb


Towards a Lower Bound Founded Fixpoint Semantics: Working Abstract B. Bogaerts, T. Schaub and S. Schellhorn Proceedings of Trends and Applications of Answer Set Programming (TAASP), 2019. pdf

ZebraTutor: Explaining How to Solve Logic Grid Puzzles J. Claes, B. Bogaerts, R. Canoy, E. Gamba and T. Guns Proceedings of the 31st Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC), 2019. pdf bib www dem

User-Oriented Solving and Explaining of Natural Language Logic Grid Puzzles J. Claes, B. Bogaerts, R. Canoy and T. Guns The Third Workshop on Progress Towards the Holy Grail, 2019. pdf dem

The Alpha Solver for Lazy-Grounding Answer-Set Programming A. Weinzierl, B. Bogaerts, J. Bomanson, T. Eiter, G. Friedrich, T. Janhunen, T. Kaminski, M. Langowski, L. Leutgeb, G. Schenner and R. Taupe ALP Newsletter, 2019. pdf

Guest editorial: special issue on answer set programming and other computing paradigms B. Bogaerts, E. Erdem and A. Harrison Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, p. 1-2, 2019. pdf bib www

Explaining actual causation in terms of possible causal processes M. Denecker, B. Bogaerts and J. Vennekens Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA), p. 214-230, 2019. pdf bib ppt www

Weighted abstract dialectical frameworks through the lens of approximation fixpoint theory B. Bogaerts Proceedings of the thirty-third AAAI conference on artificial intelligence (AAAI), p. 2686-2693, 2019. pdf bib ppt www


Predicate Logic as a Modeling Language: The IDP System B. De Cat, B. Bogaerts, M. Bruynooghe, G. Janssens and M. Denecker Chapter in Declarative Logic Programming: Theory, Systems, and Applications, p. 279-323, 2018. pdf bib www

Causal reasoning in a logic with possible causal process semantics M. Denecker, B. Bogaerts and J. Vennekens Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR), p. 90-98, 2018. pdf ppt www

Consistency in Justification Theory S. Marynissen, N. Passchyn, B. Bogaerts and M. Denecker Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR), p. 41-52, 2018. pdf ppt www

Exploiting Justifications for Lazy Grounding of Answer Set Programs B. Bogaerts and A. Weinzierl Proceedings of the 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 23rd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-ECAI), p. 1737-1745, 2018. pdf bib ppt www

Safe Inductions and Their Applications in Knowledge Representation B. Bogaerts, M. Denecker and J. Vennekens Artificial Intelligence Volume 259, p. 167-185, 2018. pdf bib www

Fixpoint Semantics for Active Integrity Constraints B. Bogaerts and L. Cruz-Filipe Artificial Intelligence Volume 255, p. 43-70, 2018. pdf bib www

Fixpoint Semantics for Active Integrity Constraints: Extended Abstract B. Bogaerts and L. Cruz-Filipe Proceedings of the 30th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC), p. 31-32, 2018. pdf ppt


Symmetric explanation learning: Effective dynamic symmetry handling for SAT J. Devriendt, B. Bogaerts and M. Bruynooghe Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2017, Proceedings, p. 83-100, 2017. pdf bib ppt www

Propagators and Solvers for the Algebra of Modular Systems B. Bogaerts, E. Ternovska and D. Mitchell Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Logic for Programming Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR-21), p. 227-248, 2017. pdf bib ppt www

Safe Inductions: An Algebraic Study B. Bogaerts, J. Vennekens and M. Denecker Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), p. 859-865, 2017. pdf bib ppt www

Semantics for Active Integrity Constraints Using Approximation Fixpoint Theory B. Bogaerts and L. Cruz-Filipe Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), p. 866-872, 2017. pdf bib ppt www


SAT-to-SAT in QBFEval 2016 B. Bogaerts, T. Janhunen and S. Tasharrofi Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Quantified Boolean Formulas (QBF 2016), p. 63-70, 2016. pdf bib ppt www

On Well-Founded Set-Inductions and Locally Monotone Operators B. Bogaerts, J. Vennekens and M. Denecker ACM Transactions on Computational Logic Volume 17 Issue 4, p. 27:1-27:32, 2016. pdf bib www

BreakID: Static Symmetry Breaking for ASP J. Devriendt and B. Bogaerts Proceedings of the ninth workshop on answer set programming and other computing paradigms, p. 25-39, 2016. pdf bib ppt www

Implementing a Relevance Tracker Module J. Jansen, B. Bogaerts, J. Devriendt, G. Janssens and M. Denecker Proceedings of the ninth workshop on answer set programming and other computing paradigms, p. 77-91, 2016. pdf bib ppt www

Bootstrapping Inference in the IDP Knowledge Base System B. Bogaerts, J. Jansen, B. De Cat, G. Janssens, M. Bruynooghe and M. Denecker New Generation Computing Volume 34, Number 3, p. 193-220, 2016. pdf bib www

A Compositional Framework for Building Typed Higher-Order Logics I. Dasseville, M. van der Hallen, B. Bogaerts, G. Janssens and M. Denecker Technical communications of ICLP, p. 14.1-14.14, 2016. pdf bib ppt www

Stable-Unstable Semantics: Beyond NP with Normal Logic Programs B. Bogaerts, T. Janhunen and S. Tasharrofi Theory and Practice of Logic Programming Volume 16, Number 5-6, p. 570-586, 2016. pdf bib ppt www

On Local Domain Symmetry for Model Expansion J. Devriendt, B. Bogaerts, M. Bruynooghe and M. Denecker Theory and Practice of Logic Programming Volume 16, Number 5-6, p. 632-652, 2016. pdf bib ppt www

Distributed Autoepistemic Logic and its Application to Access Control P. Van Hertum, M. Cramer, B. Bogaerts and M. Denecker Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), p. 1286-1292, 2016. pdf bib ppt www

Relevance for SAT(ID) J. Jansen, B. Bogaerts, J. Devriendt, G. Janssens and M. Denecker Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), p. 596-602, 2016. pdf bib ppt www

Improved Static Symmetry Breaking for SAT J. Devriendt, B. Bogaerts, M. Bruynooghe and M. Denecker Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2016, Proceedings, p. 104-122, 2016. pdf bib ppt www

Declarative Solver Development: Case Studies B. Bogaerts, T. Janhunen and S. Tasharrofi Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings (KR), p. 74-83, 2016. pdf bib ppt www

Solving QBF Instances With Nested SAT Solvers B. Bogaerts, T. Janhunen and S. Tasharrofi Proceedings of the first workshop on Beyond NP, p. 307-313, 2016. pdf bib www


Predicate Logic as a Modeling Language: Modeling and Solving some Machine Learning and Data Mining Problems with IDP3 M. Bruynooghe, H. Blockeel, B. Bogaerts, B. De Cat, S. De Pooter, J. Jansen, A. Labarre, J. Ramon, M. Denecker and S. Verwer Theory and Practice of Logic Programming Volume 15, Number 6, p. 783-817, 2015. pdf bib www

Groundedness in Logics With a Fixpoint Semantics B. Bogaerts PhD thesis, 2015. pdf bib ppt www

Knowledge Compilation of Logic Programs Using Approximation Fixpoint Theory B. Bogaerts and G. Van den Broeck Theory and Practice of Logic Programming Volume 15, Number 4-5, p. 464-480, 2015. pdf bib ppt www

Partial Grounded Fixpoints B. Bogaerts, J. Vennekens and M. Denecker Proceedings of the twenty-fourth international conference on artificial intelligence (IJCAI), p. 2784-2790, 2015. pdf bib ppt www

Grounded Fixpoints and Their Applications in Knowledge Representation B. Bogaerts, J. Vennekens and M. Denecker Artificial Intelligence Volume 224, p. 51-71, 2015. pdf bib www

Grounded Fixpoints B. Bogaerts, J. Vennekens and M. Denecker Proceedings of the twenty-ninth AAAI conference on artificial intelligence, p. 1453-1459, 2015. pdf bib ppt www


MiniSat(ID) for Satisfiability Checking and Constraint Solving B. De Cat, B. Bogaerts and M. Denecker ALP Newsletter, 2014. pdf bib

Meta-level Representations in the IDP Knowledge Base System: Towards Bootstrapping Inference Engine Development B. Bogaerts, J. Jansen, B. De Cat, G. Janssens, M. Bruynooghe and M. Denecker Workshop on Logic and Search - LaSh, 2014. pdf bib ppt

BreakIDGlucose: On The Importance of Row Symmetry in SAT J. Devriendt, B. Bogaerts and M. Bruynooghe Fourth International Workshop on the Cross-Fertilization Between CSP and SAT (CSPSAT), 1-17, 2014. pdf bib ppt

Inference in the FO(C) Modelling Language B. Bogaerts, J. Vennekens, M. Denecker and J. Van den Bussche European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), p. 111-116, 2014. pdf bib ppt www

FO(C) and Related Modelling Paradigms B. Bogaerts, J. Vennekens, M. Denecker and J. Van den Bussche 15th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning, p. 90-96, 2014. pdf bib ppt

FO(C): A Knowledge Representation Language of Causality B. Bogaerts, J. Vennekens, M. Denecker and J. Van den Bussche (ICLP'14 technical communication), Theory and Practice of Logic Programming Volume 14, Number (4-5)-Online-Supplement, p. 60-69, 2014. pdf bib ppt

Simulating Dynamic Systems Using Linear Time Calculus Theories B. Bogaerts, J. Jansen, M. Bruynooghe, B. De Cat, J. Vennekens and M. Denecker Theory and Practice of Logic Programming Volume 14, Number 4-5, p. 477-492, 2014. pdf bib ppt www pdf


The Effects of Buying a New Car: An Extension of the IDP Knowledge Base System P. Van Hertum, J. Vennekens, B. Bogaerts, J. Devriendt and M. Denecker (ICLP'13 technical communication), Theory and Practice of Logic Programming Volume 13, Number (4-5)-Online-Supplement, 2013. pdf bib www

Model Expansion in the Presence of Function Symbols Using Constraint Programming B. De Cat, B. Bogaerts, J. Devriendt and M. Denecker IEEE 25th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, p. 1068-1075, 2013. pdf bib ppt www


Analyzing Manuscript Traditions Using Constraint-Based Data Mining T. Andrews, H. Blockeel, B. Bogaerts, M. Bruynooghe, M. Denecker, S. De Pooter, C. Macé and J. Ramon First Workshop on Combining Constraint Solving with Mining and Learning, 2012. pdf bib

Modeling Machine Learning and Data Mining Problems with FO(.) H. Blockeel, B. Bogaerts, M. Bruynooghe, B. De Cat, S. De Pooter, M. Denecker, A. Labarre, J. Ramon and S. Verwer Technical Communications of the 28th International Conference on Logic Programming, ICLP 2012, p. 14-25, 2012. pdf bib www

Symmetry Propagation: Improved Dynamic Symmetry Breaking in SAT J. Devriendt, B. Bogaerts, C. Mears, B. De Cat and M. Denecker IEEE 24th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, p. 49-56, 2012. pdf bib ppt www